Below are some frequently asked questions and answers about Run4papa. If you need specific help or your question isn’t answered here, send me a message on the Contact Page.
General Questions
How did this whole adventure start?
Moments after completing the NYC Marathon, I was walking with my brother from Central Park back to the apartment to take an ice bath. He said, “I want to tell you something, but I am afraid you will actually do it.” Naturally, my curiosity piqued! He had recently returned from China where a friend of his mentioned running a half marathon on the Great Wall. My brother spoke of a full marathon but didn’t know all the details. As the weeks passed, I diligently read, researched and watched video of the surreal Great Wall of China Marathon and was inspired to run for something far more important than challenging myself. I wanted to do something extraordinary and dementia research was the catalyst.
Does any part of my donation cover your travel expenses or marathon fees?
No. None of your donations cover any of my costs to travel or run races around the globe. 100% of all contributions go to fund dementia research at Northwestern University’s Mesulam Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Center. When I travel or run races, I fund all of these expenses because I believe 100% of your donation should go to fund research and nothing else.
What does your “Papa” think of this idea?
While my Papa passed away in September of 2013, he loved the idea of R4P! When I explained the concept and goals behind this initiative, he had a very large smile on his face. He carefully proofread his bio and gave the site his official approval. I know he was happy, proud and honored to have the opportunity to be part of something special that will undoubtedly help other people and families fight this disease by raising awareness and funds for dementia research on a global stage.
Why did I partner with Northwestern University’s Mesulam Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease Center (CNADC)?
They are one of the premier research centers in the world dealing with Alzheimer’s research. Dr. Marsel Mesulam, the physician who first identified Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA), is also the director of this prominent facility.
Is my donation tax deductible?
Yes! ALL donations are fully tax deductible. Northwestern University’s Mesulam CNADC is a non-profit organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax exempt charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code.
What is our EIN #?
Have you run any marathons before?
Yes, I have run 13 marathons in my life: London Marathon in 2000, New York City Marathon in 2010, Great Wall of China Marathon in 2012, Boston Marathon in 2013 (stopped at Mile 25.8 due to the bombings), the Big 5 Marathon in South Africa in 2013 on an open animal reserve, the 2014 Boston Marathon, the 2014 Rio Marathon, the 2015 Outback Marathon. the 2015 Chicago Marathon, the 2016 Antarctica Marathon, the 2016 Athens Marathon, the 2017 Berlin Marathon and the 2018 Tokyo Berlin Marathon and Mount Everest in 2022.
What races will you be running in 2025
I will be running half marathons in the following states: Louisiana, Kansas, Minnesota, California, and Massachusetts
What is your 2025 fundraising goal?
Can I send a check instead of an online contribution?
Yes! If you prefer to donate by mail, make the check out to Northwestern University. In the memo, write Run4Papa and send to the this address: Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Attn: Jordan Sund, 420 East Superior Street, Rubloff Building, 9th Floor, Chicago, IL 60611