Run4Papa Around The Globe – Volume II

The gauntlet has been laid down! Send us your favorite running pictures in support of R4P in your favorite races. We will continue to share photos from around the world to put a much larger face to running against dementia! #R4Paroundtheglobe #RunningAgainstDementia


2014 Time Lapse Group Shot

Dementia is a Global Epidemic/h2>


I am just an average person trying to create extraordinary things. Marketer by day, runner and fundraiser by night. Inspired by my “papa,” a pediatrician of 50+ years who recently lost his battle to this vicious disease. Do I have a cure…NOT YET. Am I trying to making a difference…YES! •    World Wide Cases 35.6 Million = Worldwide Epidemic •    This number will double by 2030 and more than triple by 2050 •    In 2013, 15.5 million caregivers provided an estimated 17.7 billion hours of unpaid care valued at more than $220 billion (stats provided by the world health organization)