Arguably the best small-town race in the United States

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In a world where we often feel disconnected, the Fargo Half Marathon serves as a reminder of the power of community that permeates every aspect of this event.

To the Fargodome and Beyond!

You betcha I’m in Fargo.

Fargo, North Dakota, situated along the picturesque Red River, is a city steeped in history and known for its strong sense of community. Among the many events that bring the community together, the Fargo Marathon shines as a testament; it showcases athleticism, camaraderie, and the indomitable spirit of its participants.

As a runner, the sense of community pride surrounds you from the moment you step into the Fargodome, the day before the race. Here, you embark on an exceptionally unique experience—walking around the entire dome for packet pickup.

Stopping at one of many stops along the way at packet pick-up.

Day of the race, you are inside the dome, on the same hallowed ground, home to the 17-time National Champion North Dakota State Bison Football team.

Ready to run outside the Fargodome with 6,500 other half marathoners

As my good friend Jeramy and I bolted out of the Fargodome and into a crisp 45 degrees, the race took us through the local streets and neighborhoods and along the Red River Trail.

And away we go…

The Fargo Half Marathon isn’t just about running; it’s a celebration of community and resilience. As participants navigate the course, they’re greeted by enthusiastic spectators, whose cheers propel them forward. The race route comes alive with the sounds of local bands and performers, creating a festive atmosphere that’s both exhilarating and motivating.

For the remainder of this blog, I’ll use photos to capture the essence of this unique event and showcase the spirit of Fargo’s running community.

Mile 1 : Looks like we are leading the pack so lets go with that version of this story
Mile 2: These two guys were hilarious and quintessentially “Fargo”
Mile 3: She had multiple signs throughout the race depending on where you saw her last!
Mile 4: No shortage of American flags and pride along the course
Mile 5: I was willing to swap places with him for a few minutes, and yes, her mom was way ahead of me!
Mile 6: Loved the serene beauty of these tree-lined paths
Mile 7: True story
Mile 8: No shortage of creative branding throughout the city
Mile 9: The famous vintage neon sign at the theatre in downtown Fargo.  These colorful marquees appeared at each and every turn along this strip.
Mile 10: Plenty of friendly faces, and thankfully, no fires to put out during the race
Mile 11: This reactions from fellow runners when I paused to hold this sign for a minute was absolutely hilarious
Mile 12: My favorite sign, and of course, I had to oblige
Mile 13: One of the more creative outfits and props…kudos sir!
Jeramy Hall and I displaying the bling after running in state #33
Front of medal: Readers always love to see the bling almost as much as I love putting it around my neck
Back of Medal: Proudly hanging on my medal wall

In Memory of Mark Knutson

The news of Mark Knutson’s passing on July 9, 2023, has left The Fargo Marathon community in shock and sadness.

In the world of marathons, there are race directors, and then there are legends. Mark Knutson belonged to the latter category. Although he may no longer be with us, Mark poured his heart and soul into what he loved the most: friends, family, The Fargo Marathon, and even total strangers like me. In the Fargodome after the race, I thanked him for the opportunity to run. He said,

“I hope you had a great time in our small town race. Looking forward to watching your video and reading your blog.”

I hope I did you, your race, and your community justice. I can’t wait to come back!

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